Tuesday, November 24, 2009

:: thanksgiving desserts ::

well... this will probably be my last blog until after the thanksgiving holiday... so i figure i dedicate it to my most favorite holiday besides my birthday ;)... this is actually a shout out to another blog that i have mentioned before... there are a lot of blogs and sites out there that give much attention to the turkey... of course its the main part of the meal... but I belive the desserts should get the same amount of attention! soooo... check out Hostess with the Mostess blog and read up on these delectable thanksgiving treats! I have uploaded some of the pictures below... Enjoy!


  1. Not a fan of pears myself, but those Turkey's look pretty awesome. My son has actually been bugging me to make Turkey cupcakes. We'll see what happens.

  2. Good luck on the Turkey cupcakes... the things that made us happy when we were a kid!
