Friday, June 25, 2010

:: twilight time ::

so i hate to admit it but i'm a 29 (almost 30 yeesh!) twihard... yes yes i too have fallen into the black hole of the twilight world... fallen fallen and i don't care to find my way out... call it lame call it crazy... i don't care i love the gritty romantics of the vampire world... the enemy alliances and all that comes with it... but you won't see me wearing a twilight t-shirt walking down the street... yes yes i can hear the boo's now... i just feel like it's my guilty pleasure that i shouldn't have to share with the common public... i will leave that to my secret twilight parties with my other 30 year old twihards ;)- instead i am stealth with expressing my love of this vast world of stephani meyer... with the venerable bead etsy shop... i've spoken about this shop before... it's even in my "i like = you like section" -- sporting beautiful glass twilight inspired jewelry... and none is the wiser... and if i pass another 30 year old twihard that so happen to see it we will nod in amusement at our little secret ;)

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